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Pumps & Vacuums
Pumps & Vacuums - chemicals and sprayers for dispersing and / or cleaning a wide range oils including aerial sprayers, spray systems with spray booms or fire water cannons for boat mounting, backpack sprayers and more.
Pumps – centrifugal, trash, semi-trash, diaphragm, submersible, screw type, rotary, vortex, and more.
- air, diesel, electric, gasoline powered
- aluminum, iron, stainless steel, plastic bodies
Centrifugal / Trash Pumps
Model 48V-3SD5E (3" - 300 gpm)
Model 48V-3PP (3" - 260 gpm)
Model L100-4T (4" - 560 gpm)
Submersible Pumps
Model S2T (2" - 185 gpm)
Model S3T(3" - 390 gpm)
Model S4SCR (4" - 1125 gpm)
Model S8T (8" - 4500 gpm)
Specialty Pumps
Model M-5 Peristaltic (2" hose pump - 110 gpm)
Model Spate PD75 (3" reciprocating pump -130 gpm)
Vacuum Assisted Pumps
Model Selwood S100 (4” – 750 gpm)
Model Selwood S150 (6” – 1500 gpm)
Model Selwood S200 (8” – 2200 gpm)
Model Selwood H150 (6” – High Head)
Vacuums – trailer or skid mounted; diesel driven vacuum systems for beach, sewer, dock or tank clean-up. Capable of filling drums or vacuum tanks of varying sizes with liquid or semi-solid waste.
Model C-VAC 28PS Portable Vacuum System
Model C-VAC 28 with optional hopper
Model C-VAC 28-T500
Model C-VAC 200-14-20T
Model C-VAC 250-14-20T